
Complete list of Windows Powershell Commands – Top 100+ Commands

Users can check these 100+ Windows Powershell Commands on their Windows PC/Laptop. You can use these commands for shortcuts on Windows. These Windows Powershell Commands will work on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. It will work on almost every version of Windows. Users can use these commands to launch remote computer, system information and many more.

Windows PowerShell is a Windows-based task-based command-line shell. It is specially designed for system administrators who need to use it for writing a language like a .NET scripting language. It also helps IT professionals who are power users controller or automation administrator. If you are also a developer or any of those whose names I had taken then you might be using Windows PowerShell for your work. Obviously, if you are here then it means that you need to get the complete list of Windows PowerShell commands. I am not going to waste your time. Just head up to the article for your work. If you want to know more about Windows PowerShell then do read it.

Which of the following allows you to run PowerShell commands on a remote computer?

Windows PowerShell gives us the ability to use it in a remote access computer. To run a PowerShell command on a remote computer we need to enable WinRM (Windows Remote Management Service). To do so use “get-service winrm” command. After that, start the Session using “Enter-PSSession Server1” command. And can end the Session using “Exit-PSSession” command.

What command can be used to launch the system information Windows?

The system information is an inbuilt app in which every detail regarding the system are available. Users can use a simple and easy Windows PowerShell command in order to get the details. This command will open the system information Windows in front of you. The command for the same is “msinfor32”.

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Complete list of Windows Powershell Commands – 100+ Commands

There are approx 125 Windows PowerShell commands available. But, it is hard to know each of them every time. What if a person uses Windows PowerShell at some critical point then definitely he or she has to take the help of this article. So, I hope this list of complete Windows PowerShell commands will help you in that. I am going to tell you the commands and their uses. Such that you can get the all useful details regarding that command.

Commands Description
% It means ForEach object
? It means Where object
ac Adds the content
asnp Add the PowerShell snap-ins
cat Get the content
cd Set the location
chdir Set the location
clc Clear the content
clear Clear the host
clhy Clear the history
cli Clear the item
clp Clear the Item property
cls Clear the host
clv Clear the variable
cnsn Connect the PowerShell Session
compare Compare the object
copy Copy the item
cp Copy the item
cpi Copy the item
cpp Copy the item property
curl Invokes the web request
cvpa Converts the path
dbp Disables the PowerShell breakpoint
del Removes the item
diff Compares the object
dir Gets the child item
dnsn Disconnect the PowerShell Session
ebp Enables the PowerShell breakpoint
echo Writes the output
epal Export the alias
epcsv Export the CSV
epsn Exports the PowerShell Session
erase Removes the item
etsn Enters the PowerShell Session
exsn Exit the PowerShell Session
fc Formats the custom
fl Formats the list
foreach ForEach object
ft Format the Table
fw Format the wide
gal Get the alias
gbp Get the PowerShell breakpoint
gc Get the content
gci Get the child item
gcm Get the command
gcs Get PowerShell call stack
gdr Get the PowerShell drive
ghy Get the history
gi Get the item
gjb Get the job
gl Get the location
gm Get the member
gmo Get the module
gp Get the item property
gps Get the process
group Group the object
gsn Get PowerShell session
gsnp Get the PowerShell snap-ins
gsv Get the service
gu Get the unique
gv Get the variable
gwmi Get the WMI object
h Get the history
history Get the history
icm Invokes the command
iex Invokes the expression
ihy Invokes the history
ii Invokes the item
ipal Import the alias
ipcsv Import the CSV
ipmo Import the module
ipsn Import the PowerShell session
irm Invoke the rest method
ise Starts the powershell_ise.exe
iwmi Invokes the WMI method
iwr Invokes the web request
kill Stops the process
lp Out the printer
ls Gets the child item
man Shows the help
md Create new item
measure Measures the object
mi Moves the item
mount Creates new PowerShell drive
move Move the item
mp Moves the item property
mv Move the item
nal Creates new alias
ndr Creates new PowerShell drive
ni Creates new item
nmo Creates new module
npssc Creates new PowerShell session configuration file
nsn Creates new PowerShell session
nv Creates new variable
ogv Outs the grid view
oh Outs the host
popd Pops the Location
ps Get the process
pushd Pushes the location
pwd Get the location
r Invokes the history
rbp Removes the PowerShell breakpoint
rcjb Receives the job
rcsn Receives the PowerShell session
rd Removes the item
rdr Removes the PowerShell drive
ren Renames the item
ri Removes the item
rjb Removes the job
rm Remove the item
rmdir Removes the item
rmo Removes the module
rni Renames the item
rnp Renames the item property
rp Removes the item property
rsn Removes the PowerShell session
rsnp Removes the PowerShell snap-ins
rujb Resumes the Job
rv Removes the variable
rvpa Resolves the path
rwmi Removes the WMI object
sajb Start the job
sal Sets the alias
saps Starts the process
sasv Starts the service
sbp Sets the PowerShell breakpoint
sc Sets the content
select Selects the object
set Sets the variable
shcm Shows the commands
si Sets the item

Read more: How to Fix VPN Error 609, 633, 789 and 800 in Windows 10 PC/Laptops


This was the complete list of Windows PowerShell commands. There are not more than these commands available for Windows PowerShell. I hope these commands have helped you in creating your job perfect. Also, I hope this article has found helpful for you in every aspect. Make sure you share this article with another person who really needs to get the complete list of PowerShell commands.

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This post was last modified on September 14, 2020 14:57

Ekaant Puri

I love to write about the latest technology. My work is to write on HowTo, Top 10 and tech solving topics.

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