How to Get Free Audiobooks on Audible using Registration, Amazon Prime & Referral

Hello friends, Today I will share a method on how to get free Audiobooks on Audible using Registration, Amazon Prime, and Referral. You will get a free subscription to buy any book on Audible. You don’t need to add your card details and nothing. Users can even buy multiple books on Audible.

Audible is one of the best and the most prominent producer of audiobooks in the world and basically dominates the market for spoken audio technology. You can buy, download and listen to different audiobooks on the platform of audible. It is also flexible and is available on mobile devices as an application. You can access your account and your audiobooks and listen to them through the use of Audible Cloud Player.

You can buy different genres of audiobooks from the audible website and the application, and you can also get some audiobooks for free from the site. Some of the methods to get free audiobooks on audible is given below.

How to Get Free Audiobooks on Audible

Having an account on Audible allows you to search a plethora of audiobooks that you can get that you can browse according to the ones that you are looking for. Creating an audible account allows you to download free to listen and download audiobooks that you can listen to. As the audiobooks are free, you do not need to go through a payment procedure and you can directly buy the audiobook that costs $0.00 and proceed to download and listen to it.

There are different methods through which you can get free audiobooks on Audible. You can be an Amazon Prime member and then you can have free audiobooks on Audible, or you can either register on the website and get free audiobooks on Audible. Moreover, you can get free audiobooks on Audible through the referral links of different websites and even Youtube channels.

How to Get Free Audiobooks on Audible through Registration

You can register on the website of Audible, which is Make a new account by registering yourself under the 30 days free trial. Once you register for the 30-day free trial, you will be getting one free audible audiobook of your preference and apart from this free audiobook, you will get two Audible originals. Audible originals are audiobooks that are made by Audible themselves and distributed.

Once you have registered and claimed your free audiobook, you can then download the application of Audible and listen to the audiobook after syncing your account with your application on your device.

Read more: How to Buy Audiobooks on Audible

How to Get Free Audiobooks on Audible through Referral Links

There are several content creators on online platforms such as Youtube, Blogger, etc, that use the service of Audible affiliate. Audible affiliate allows these content creators to earn money through the referral link that they post for their audience. The content creator gets some monetary benefit whenever their link is used to buy any product from Amazon.

Therefore, look out for such content creators that post referral link related to Audible and you can probably get free audiobooks on Audible through this.

Know more: How to Clear Amazon Search History Permanently

How to Get Free Audiobooks on Audible through Amazon Prime

You can get free audiobooks by taking benefit of the free trial period of Amazon Prime membership. Amazon Prime provides a variety of services that include Prime movies, music and it also includes the “Audible channel“. “Audible Channel” is completely free for Amazon Prime users. Therefore, you can create an account for a free trial of Amazon Prime and then you can listen to audiobooks on this. While you are in the free trial period of Amazon Prime, you can access the audiobooks through the “Channels” option on the Audible mobile application.

If you have an account on Amazon Prime, then all the services that are provided by Amazon, including Amazon Audible is free, and you can then use your same Amazon Account to access the Audible platform. This will give you access to download and listen to audiobooks.

Must Read: How to Download Amazon Prime Music to PC


Amazon Audible is the best platform for audiobooks that you can get and through its different platforms that are available on websites for desktop and applciation for mobile devices, you can download and listen to many audiobooks of your liking and preference. This article helps you to know how you can get some free audiobooks from Audible.

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Ekaant Puri

I love to write about the latest technology. My work is to write on HowTo, Top 10 and tech solving topics.

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