Top 10 Best ways to Make Money Online – Free Method, No investment

I will tell you top 15 best easy methods to make money online. These methods are completely free and easy. You can quickly earn $1000 a month. Yes! It’s true, and you can even earn more than $10,000 per month. I will tell you simple methods to make money online.

Usually, some people get trapped in some scams and lost all their money. Today, I will tell you safe methods to make money online and will also show you how to find legitimate websites which pay you well and safe.Top 10 Best ways to Make Money Online - Free Method, No investmentTop 10 Best ways to Make Money Online - Free Method, No investment

Who can make money Online?

Well, anyone who has internet access can make money. There are several websites which pay you well if you are right in something. Don’t worry you don’t need any high skills to make big money. All you need to do is work in the right way at the right website.

You can make money online if you have one these skills listed below.

  • Can you speak any two languages?
  • Can you speak your native language?
  • Is your voice good?
  • How many Photographs do you click every day?
  • How much action are you on social media?
  • Do you like to make videos?
  • Are you good at cooking?
  • Can you write good articles?
  • Can you sell a Branded product online?
  • Do you make some music using any DJ?
  • Can you teach primary student education?
  • Are you creative?
  • Are you funny?

So, you can do all the above things to make money online. Well, 100% of the people reading this article can do all the above-listed work because they are very easy. This article would be in significant details. So, read the article and grab your best way to make money online for free.

Best ways to Make Money Online

All methods below are 100% safe. You can use all these methods to earn money online for free. They are reliable in paying you on time and give you higher pay as compared to other websites.

1 – Make money online from Social media

Yes! You heard it right. You can quickly make money from social media. Just by using your social account, you can make big money. You can earn money from your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more.

Make money from Twitter tweets

If you are having a right amount of followers in your twitter account. Then, you can make good money just by tweeting. You can sponsor a tweet and earn money online. If you have 1000+ twitter follower then, you can earn $2 to 5$ per tweet. You can contact any company as individual and tell them you will promote their products by tweet. More the followers you have more money you will make by Tweeting.

Make money from Facebook Pages

My first online payment was made by using this method. It is one of the best ways to make money online. If you have a Facebook page with 50,000 likes. Then, you can quickly make money online. You can earn up to $100 a day. If your page is active and has a minimum of 20,000+ likes.

Register to these websites and they will pay you automatically for every post they share on your page. You can use LOLSpots and iLyke to make money online for free. They will automatically post funny images to your Facebook page. You will be paid for every 1000+ visitors.

It is straightforward if you have 20,000+ likes on your Facebook page and you want them to post ten posts a day. Then, a minimum of 10,000 people will visit, and you are paid after calculating your CPM and visitors demographic. If you have Facebook Page with the majority of U.S people then, you will earn maximum as compared to other demographics. 

Make money from Instagram

You can make a good amount of money from Instagram if you have over 1000+ followers. You can contact several brands who are looking for low price promotion. You can offer them from $2 to 5$ per post for every 1000 followers on Instagram.

2 – Make money online from YouTube

YouTube is the best way to earn money online. So, you like to make videos or something. If you are right in some act or funny stuff then, you can earn over $1000 a month. All you need to have a video which is never aired on TV and never posted on The Internet. You should have the copyrights of a video, and then, you are eligible to own a channel on YouTube.

How to make a YouTube channel and earn money by monetizing

  • Just sign-in to YouTube using your Gmail ID and apply for Channel.
  • Click on Upload present at the top right side in YouTube.
  • Now, just upload your videos.

Once you keep uploading your videos of some exciting stuff. Then, people will start watching your videos, and you can monetize them in settings. YouTube will show advertisement in your videos and let you earn right amount of money.

If your videos start gaining popularity. Then, people will subscribe to your YouTube channel, and you can earn good amount of money online from your videos. You must have seen several YouTube channel with over 1 million subscribers. There estimated earning is $100,000 to $200,000. Yes! You heard it right. They earn a lot of money online for free.

3 – Make money online from Content Writing, Articles

If you are good at writing skills then, you can earn good amount of money. There are several blogs and websites which allow individual to do some Guest post. Well, do some 2 to 3 guest post. Then, owner of the website would pay you next time when you write an article. You can even write for Crazy Tech Tricks just email us your article on Tech niche at and start writing for our website.

There are also some critical websites which pay a considerable amount of money for writing articles on different niche. You can write articles on wikiHow and earn a significant amount of money for writing articles.

4 – Make money online from writing Books – Free printing of books

Well, if you are an excellent, innovative writer. Then, you can write books. Don’t worry you don’t need to pay for the printing of books. Just write your Book and use Lulu. When users want to order your book then, Lulu will automatically print your book and sell it. You will get the price for your book and commission for selling a book.

You can even upload your book on Kindle and several another portal which sell books. You can use Pothi which publishes, print and distributes your book online.

5 – Make money online from Blogger – Free Website

You can make free websites using Blogger. It is open space provided by Google which helps you to make a site. You can first create a blog and gain some followers. Then, buy your domain and connect it with blogger. It will provide you unlimited space for your websites. It will keep your site always online and offer you traffic from Google search engine if you write well.

There are several more ways to make a free website online. You can create websites on WordPress, Weebly and many more sites platform which provide you free hosting.

Make money from Google AdSense and Infolinks

If you follow the free platform and post rich content on your website. Then, you will start gaining visitors on your websites. Now, just apply for Google AdSense or Infolinks. These are one of the top Advertisers who pay you for showing advertisements on your website or blog.

6 – Make money online from Translation

You can earn right amount of money if you know any two languages. You need to be perfect in two words to translate the content given by the author. Translators based pay you for bringing any language. There is almost every language present in their projects.

You can bid for projects which suit your language. Then, the person will hire you through the website and will pay you good amount money. You can select the per word bid from $0.1 to maximum you desire. Every project has over 1000+ words. So, the minimum you will earn $100 just by translating into your native language.

7 – Make money online from your Drawing, handicrafts creativity

Are you creative? You like to make drawings and handicraft stuff. Then, you can earn right amount of money by selling on Artfire and EtsyThese are the two top websites which allow individuals to sell their self-made items at the excellent price tag. You can also use OLX which is present in almost every country. You can give a price tag to your product and sell it at any of your desired amounts.

8 – Make money online from your Voice

It is one of the hidden and most paid methods to earn money online. You can just sell your voice to several buyers around the world. There are several projects present on Voice Bunny and Voice123. There are several jobs of Radio Jockey, Announcements and much more voice-related jobs.

You can bid on projects and earn the amount by completing the work. You can even get regular time job around the world. So, your voice can help you in making good money.

9 – Make money online from selling Photos

If you are a good photographer then, you can make a right amount of money by selling your photos. iStockphoto and CreativeMarket are the two top websites where you can sell your photos. Several buyers are looking forward to buying unique images.

Photos of any monuments or creative moment can be sold for $100. Yes! Only one of your photos can be sold for $100 and if your photo is more unique. Then, you can earn $1000+ for a single picture. So, start uploading your photos on these websites and earn money online.

10 – Make money online from Affiliate Marketing

There are several e-commerce websites which pays you when you sell their products online. The best part is you don’t need to tell the people, about the products because products you are selling are well known branded products. Websites like Amazon let an individual create an affiliate account and sell there any products. If any of the people buy anything from Amazon using your Affiliate link. Then, you will get a commission from 2% to 10%.

If you live in India then, you can earn $1000+ daily. India has the fastest growing e-commerce market currently. Several online companies are competing with each other and trying to stay at the 1st spot. Websites like Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon, Jabong and many more website pay commission for every product you sell.

11 – Make money online from Freelancer

Freelancer is a website for people looking for online jobs. There are over 9 million projects on several skills. If you are right about anything then, you can easily find projects. Several people post their several jobs and looking for a person who can do that work at a minimum price.

How Freelancer works

  • You need to sign-up to your Freelancer account and select your skills.
  • Now, it will show the projects which suit your skill.
  • Now, bid for the projects.

It depends on the employer if they want to award you that project or not. If they grant you the project then, they will set a milestone. It means you will get some percentage of the money when you complete some portion of the project. When the project ends, you earn all your money.

12 – Make money online from Transcription Jobs

You will be shown a video or listen to some audio. Then, you need to write that specific word which you heard from these sources. It is a bit hard as some accents are terrible to understand. You can also get an old photo on which text is written. You need to read and write the manuscript. Sometimes, the size of the book is so small to see and make your job bit harder. But, it pays you the maximum for your work. You can check Muturk and apply for the job online.

13 – Make money online from teaching online

Several students are looking for good teachers. Your higher qualification doesn’t matter because even your primary education can help you in earning online. You can easily apply for teaching jobs. You need to spend around 1 hour on the internet solving students question, and you will receive the right amount of money online. A website like Tutorvista and Tutor are hiring teachers for online teaching.

14 – Make money online from Testing Websites

These days several website owners hire people to test their newly built website. You just need to visit their website and tell the owner about your experience. You can check websites, mobile applications, and even their products. You will get paid for testing their sites.

User testing website is the best website to earn money from testing. You will earn minimum $10 for every single test. You can test as many sites or mobile applications in a day.

15 – Make money online from selling Music

Websites like distro kit, louder and Beatport are the best website to sell your music online. You can make your music or DJ and upload to this website with a price tag. Several professionals are looking to buy newly built music. You can earn money by selling a single of your song, and you can sell your music as many times you want to sell. 

You can even sell copyrights of your music to a single person. Selling copyrights of your music will make you earn maximum. You only need to make music and upload to these websites. Then, anyone who likes your music will automatically buy from their or will contact yours for copyrights.

How much money you can make online

Well, you can earn a significant amount of money from online works. All you need to be real and genuine while doing all above tasks. All the above website need to be copyrighted content. Don’t copy from anywhere, don’t steal from somewhere and own the copyrights thing which you want to do online.

If you are unique and have some skills. Then, you can earn from $1000 to 200,000 per month. Yes! It is right several people are making a tremendous amount of money online.

What should be the payment method for receiving money online?

Never disclose your bank details to anyone. Always use PayPal for foreign transaction. It is one of the most trusted online payment methods. Don’t get indulge in any scams by providing them your bank details etc. Always use https server from an online transaction. If the server shows HTTP then, never make any online payments.

Don’t use the fake online method to earn money online

There are several fake methods to make money online. Don’t indulge in these methods. Don’t be a part of any scam promoting any links etc. Surveys are the most prominent scam in earning money online. Many websites allow users to make money from filling up some specific survey. These are the most prominent scam as they take your time and pay you nothing. They also take all your private information and spread your knowledge on many unwanted websites.


If you follow all the methods listed above from head to toe. Then, you can quickly earn money online. Always choose the best way to earn money online. Hope you like this detailed article about making money online. Don’t forget to share the article and if you have any query then, do comment. We will also upload a video related to this article on our YouTube Channel.

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This post was last modified on December 31, 2021 17:06

Ekaant Puri

I love to write about the latest technology. My work is to write on HowTo, Top 10 and tech solving topics.

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