How To Calculate Square Root in Microsoft Excel – Top 5 Methods

You can Calculate square root in Microsoft Excel by following these 5 methods. I have shared the easy functions and commands to get the root of any big number. All methods will work on all version of Excel from 2019, 2016 to 2013.

It’s astonishing how many methods you can use to accomplish the same task with Excel. Because there are so many fantastic features and functions available. Excel can be used for any type of calculation, from math to finance. Using Excel, you may perform calculations ranging from the simplest to the most complicated. It’s simple and quick, to calculate square root in Microsoft Excel is a common task.

Square Root

To obtain the original number, multiply it by itself. This is known as the square root. Also, by doing the opposite operation of finding a square’s root, you can get back to the root of the square. A value (let’s call it Y) is obtained by multiplying a number (let’s call it X) by itself. In this case, X is the square root of Y. Let’s say 10 times 10 = 100. In this case, 10 is the square root of 100. Calculating square root is an easy task. On the other hand, it is sometimes difficult too.

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As an example, if I ask you to compute the square root of 60, I’m confident many of you can’t do so immediately. So in this post, I’ll explain to you many methods to calculate square root in Microsoft Excel.

How To Calculate Square Root in Microsoft Excel

Based on the circumstances or personal choice, calculating the square root can be done in five different ways. Not all of the techniques are the same, yet they are all helpful. The following is a list of five distinct methods to calculate the square root in Microsoft Excel.

  1. Using the SQRT method
  2. Using Power method
  3. Using Exponential Operator
  4. With the Power Query
  5. Using (√) in Excel

Method 1.  SQRT Method

Excel has a built-in function that provides you with the square root of a number. The SQRT function is the best method for computing the square root in Microsoft Excel if there is only one. It is possible to use the SQRT method to return the square root of a single variable, such as an integer.

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For instance, Use the following Excel formula to determine the square root of 100:=SQRT(100) This function works perfectly with positive numbers. However, if you enter a negative number, you’ll receive an error message that says “#NUM.” Because in mathematics, a negative number does not have a square root, this is a reasonable assumption. Similarly, Negative numbers are always multiplied by themselves to produce a positive outcome.


Alternatively, to find the square root of a negative number, one must first change the negative number into a positive integer and then find the square root of that. Calculate the square root of -100 using the SQRT function and ABS, for example: = SQRT(ABS(-100)). If you use ABS, you’ll get an exact number without regard to the sign of the value.

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Method 2. Power Method

Using the POWER method is another way to execute the above calculations, raising an integer to the power of a quarter. Excel’s POWER method has the following syntax: =POWER( number, power). For example: If I multiply 1/2 by the power argument, I get the square root. (i.e number2, 1/2). Performing root and power calculations on a number is not possible with SQRT, but you can use the POWER method.

Method 3. Exponential Operator

Square roots are just one example of what can be accomplished by using an exponential Operator. The nth root of a fraction can also be found with this method. Just type in the root after the caret character in the denominator: number^(1/n). For each given number, n can be used to determine its root. POWER is similar in all respects to this formula, except for the use of an exponent instead of a function.

Read more: How to Use Exponents in Excel

For example, you can find the square root of 100 using this method = 100^(1/2).

Here’s how to use cartel(^) to find Square Root:

  1. Open your Microsoft Excel sheet.
  2. Look up the square root of the number you’re looking for.
  3. Now, select the cell in which you want the result to appear.
  4. Simply type the formula below into the selected cell and press Enter. Press shift+6 to insert the cartel (^) symbol into the formula.
  5. Replace your number in the formula cell if you want to specify your number explicitly.
  6. Immediately after this, you’ll be able to see the results appear on your computer screen.

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Method 4. Power Query

If you need to find the square roots of multiple numbers, here’s an alternative method you can use. The Power Query method is better suited for large datasets containing countless columns. You need to calculate the square root of those columns on a daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly basis. The best thing about Power Query is that you can simply insert new data and reload the query to get the results you need.

The steps involved to calculate square root in Microsoft Excel are:

  1. You can choose any cell in the dataset to select.
  2. Press on the Insert tab located at the top of the page.
  3. Select Table icon. Now, Create Table dialogue box will be displayed on the screen.
  4. Verify the range and the checkbox ‘My table has headers. ‘.
  5. Upon clicking OK, the data in the table will be converted into an Excel Table.
  6. Now, select ”Data.”
  7. When you click the “From Table/Range” box, the Power Query editor will open in the Get & Transform group.
  8. Simply click on the column headings in the Query Editor to start.
  9. Select the Transform option from the toolbar.
  10. The scientific option can be found in the Numbers section.
  11. To find the square root, click here.” Choose the column and press Enter to get the square roots of the original numbers.
  12. Now, press File > Close and load.

Above stated steps will guide you to insert the Power Query table in a new Excel worksheet and to calculate Square Root in Microsoft Excel.

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Method 5. (√) symbol

The square root is a mathematical sign, often known as the radical symbol. It denotes that the following number or statement has been squared. Even though newer keyboards lack this sign, still there are five different ways to enter it into Excel.

  1. You can simply copy and paste it.
  2. By clicking INSERT>Symbols>Symbol in the Panel, you may access the symbol dialogue.
  3. You can also find the square root symbol under the font group Symbol. Just entering “Ö” in the cell’s cell font is all that is required.
  4. By entering UNICHAR(8730) formula you can calculate Square Root in Microsoft Excel.
  5. Long press the Alt key and enter 251 in order to add square root in Excel.

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This was a complete guide on calculating Square Root in Microsoft Excel. You can see that ideas aren’t always as complicated as they appear. However, formulas can be employed in a variety of ways, depending on the method. If you follow the procedures outlined above, you will undoubtedly locate the square root, which will be really valuable to you. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comment box below.

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Ekaant Puri

I love to write about the latest technology. My work is to write on HowTo, Top 10 and tech solving topics.

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