I will tell you all about net neutrality and is it beneficial for you?. Read this post now, or one day you need to pay money to use your Facebook and other websites. Let’s just start from scrap.
Today 40% of the world population has internet connections. If we go continent wise, then Asia is at the top with over 1.5 billion internet connections. In-country wise stats United States is no.1 with 641 million internet connections.
Well, the Internet is the most used technology on earth, and it is also giving birth to several new technologies. Earlier Internet was only accessible on Computers/Desktop. But, after smartphone revolution internet is available on mobile phones/smartphones.

Today, each and everyone owns a smartphone and access internet from data plan or WiFi. Well, using internet on a smartphone is better than using on computers. As you can take your smartphone anywhere and you can quickly read or create all your essential documents.
Now if the internet is so useful then why companies are against net neutrality.
Now comes the best part. How you using internet?. You need a connection from cellular company to access the internet. Earlier companies were having no problem in providing cheap internet. But, now internet data packs prices are increasing month by month.
What is Net Neutrality?
Internet companies were earning from calls and SMS you do from your mobile network. But, today how many of you do calling or use SMS service. Each and everyone is using applications like whatsapp, hike, Viber and many more. These days all you need is an internet connection to hear someone or to send a message. So, its directly affecting mobile company as there earning is going down.
Now to compensate for loss and to increase the profit Internet Company are looking to launch a system which is against net neutrality.
When you can access any website without paying more money and can access any site. No website is blocked.
Against Net Neutrality
Well, in this system you will be able to access SOME websites for free. You don’t need to pay any charges to open some sites. Some websites who think they are earning from users will pay to cellular company. Now, these same websites will be completely free, and you can access the free internet too.
If you can access the free internet then why people are against this feature? Why people want net neutrality?
Well, as I said some websites. It means only some sites will be free. If you want to access other websites, then you need to buy a data pack. Now when you open any website, it will be slow. So, now you need to pay more to access the site fast. LOL, are you shocked?. Now ask yourself as you already paid for internet connection and now you need to pay more to access the fast internet. It is the primary problem which is affecting freedom of the Internet.
If this Service gets implemented, then it will directly affect the freedom of the internet. As you can’t access websites of your choice. You need to pay more and more to access more sites at higher speed.
Well, several mobile companies are against net neutrality, and it was introduced in several countries too. Now it is presented in India, and almost 100% of internet users are against this service. Many people are opposing this system. Indian Government has also asked internet users to say about this service. In India, this service will be implemented from 24th April 2015. But, if you are against service then visit here TRAI and protest against it. Don’t worry all your thoughts will be read and hopefully, Indian Government will not implement this service.
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